Steve Przedpelski
Executive Director

Deacon Steve Przedpelski grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and lives in West Bend, the city that Deacon Steve and his wife Debbie have called home for nearly 40 years. While working as a manufacturing manager, Deacon Steve entered diaconate formation at St. Francis Seminary in Milwaukee and was ordained a deacon for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee in 1994.
In 1995, Deacon Steve began his ministry with Franciscan Peacemakers as a volunteer, was named Associate Director in 1999, and assumed the Executive Director position in 2002. Under his leadership the original street ministry outreach and advocacy has expanded with the development of the social enterprise Gifts for the Journey, and the resident-based trauma care facility Clare Community.
In addition to his duties as Executive Director of Franciscan Peacemakers, Deacon Steve is serving in covenant with Three Holy Women Parish on the eastside of Milwaukee and serves on the Urban Ministry team for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
Deacon Steve is a professed Secular Franciscan and a member of the St. Francis of Assisi Fraternity at Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee.