Mid-week Meditations for Lent: Giving Up Being Right

Driving home with my kids last week, I overheard my daughter tell my son, "Looks like you inherited Mom's need to be right." You know how sometimes something really true hits you in a way that you can actually hear? Well, this was one of those moments. Similar to the year when that same daughter told me I needed to give up yelling for Lent - I knew this was my Lenten marching orders. Straight from the mouth of one of the people whose opinion of me actually matters. (Erg, it really makes me proud and kinda mad all at the same time!)

And since the Spirit moves this way, I keep getting reminders of my commitment to try giving up being right this Lent, mostly because my kids keep reminding me about it. But yesterday this reminder came in the form of a podcast episode about the power of rethinking what we think we know. Turns out, those people in the world who are especially gifted at forecasting how things will turn out are good at what they do because they form beliefs and opinions - but then make the bold choice to re-think that position and actually change their thinking. They are truly wise because they let their opinion evolve and change.

"If knowledge is power, knowing what we don’t know is wisdom." - Adam Grant (as heard on the Dare to Lead podcast with Brene Brown)

So, how does this look in practice? I'm not too good at it yet, but I'm trying to notice when I have the urge to say something that will prove my position on any disagreement or conflict in any given conversation and simply say instead, 'Hmm, tell me more!" or to ask a question and get curious about what the other person is trying to say instead of telling them what I think.

It's going to be a long Lent, y'all, and I almost want to give up every carbohydrate instead (and I love bread about as much as I love being right). But I have a feeling that there will be something of true conversion on this journey if I can have the courage and tenacity to stay true to my commitment.

What would real conversion look like for you this Lent?

Really? Tell me more! :)


By: Shelly Roder, Director of Communications and Marketing