Midweek Meditation ✨ On Love of Self with Shenise
Midweek Meditation

I will know Love when I realize… loving myself helps to resolve the things that make me feel bad.
When I’m feeling bad within myself, anything and everything outside of me looks better. I may be able to convince myself it is better to runaway from my feelings. I will probably think the bad feeling is gone for a little while. When I’m feeling bad, the feeling is in me. I can’t get away from it! I might find someone to blame it on. That will only work for a while.
Sooner or later I will be forced to accept the fact that the bad feeling is my feeling and it has nothing to do with anyone else. Most bad feelings are the result of conflict. The conflict may be the result of not getting what I want or believe I should have. In any case, at the core of all bad feelings there is an absence of one essential thing: Love.
When I’m feeling bad about myself or my life, I do something I Love. And I remind myself of all the ways I can be more loving, supportive and more encouraging to myself. Love is really the only thing that will help me resolve my internal conflict so that I can feel better indefinitely. Loving self first.