Midweek Meditation: Thankful for Thankless Tasks

Midweek Meditation: To be Thankful for the sometimes "Thankless" tasks...
We serve the public by supplying basic needs to those who don't have the amount of food, shelter, and or clothing, that they need to adequately survive.
Often times (more than not), the items, words of care, and encouragement are appreciated and reciprocated.

However, there are times when all of these are received with the attitude of entitlement.

These are the times of the test.

Those are the times when we ask ourselves "To Whom The Glory?"

Is it to glorify God, as Jesus did when he performed countless miracles, healings, comfort, and other acts of selflessness?

Is it to glorify us, who are performing acts of what we classify as Love?
I ask myself, and I tell myself, I want to be more like Jesus and what I do, To God be the Glory...
Each day I get a new chance to prove that!

 - Mary Leach Sumlin, Associate Director


In this Lenten season of almsgiving, please consider a donation or purchase of products to sustain our mission of humble service.