We Are Blessed: Taking "paws" to celebrate 25 years of Franciscan Peacemakers!

Join us for our 25th Anniversary Pet Blessing and Drive Thru Fundraising Event
Sunday, October 4, 2020
1 pm - 2:30 pm
Mt. Mary University East Lawn (enter parking lot off 92nd and Burleigh, Milwaukee)

Part of the Franciscan identity is celebrating all of creation - all creatures great and small who live underneath Brother Sun and Sister Moon. Instead of gathering this year for a fundraising dinner - we want to take 'paws' to celebrate ALL of our community. Bring your pets to a socially distanced pet blessing with Capuchin Friars - OR - just come to pick up some specially curated Gift Boxes! 

Choose any or all ways to participate:

  • Bring your favorite animal companion to be blessed by Capuchin friars in an outdoor and socially distanced way! (There are 2 times to choose from 1 pm or 1:45 pm)
  • Watch live stream of event on Facebook live - RSVP now so you get alerts about the event!  Prizes and virtual blessings available for all who watch the live stream, hosted by our board member Wendy Smith from Washington County Anti-Trafficking Advocates and co-owner of Faith & Giggles in Hartford. 
  • Donate in honor of Cynthia's graduation to ensure that outreach and Clare Community remain strong for next year's graduates! All donor will receive a Peace + All Good decal to remind you of the blessing YOU are to us!

Options for gift boxes include:

Pre-Order and/or RSVP here!  We hope you can join us one way or the other!